Unlock Your Full Potential with Personal Coaching

Discover the power within you through personalized coaching that guides you toward your true potential. My mission is to help you identify your goals, overcome obstacles, and create a roadmap to your most fulfilling life.

Meet Alex Cornwall

With 20 years of expertise in real estate, Alex is a seasoned professional excelling in management, recruiting, and leadership. Discovering a passion for coaching, Alex has found a true calling—helping individuals reconnect with their purpose, fostering fulfillment, and inspiring gratitude in both personal and professional realms. Outside the professional arena, Alex cherishes a fulfilling personal life as well, being married to the love of his life and enjoying the time he gets to spend with his six amazing kids. Alex's commitment to positive change continues to shape lives and empower others on their unique journeys.






DRVN Community


Speaking Engagements


Retreats / Events


Masters Coaching

Bi-Weekly Calls

  • Two 45 min calls per month

  • Daily Access through VOXER

  • 25% discount to Any Masterminds / Seminars put on by

    DRVN Enterprises LLC

  • Free Access to Invictus Mastermind Call

Elite Coaching

Weekly Calls

  • Four 45 min calls per month

  • Daily Access through VOXER

  • 25% discount to Any Masterminds / Seminars put on by

    DRVN Enterprises LLC

  • Free Access to Invictus Mastermind Call

DRVN Community

Weekly Group Zoom Meeting

  • One Group Zoom Call Bi-Weekly

  • Access to Private Skool Community

  • Weekly Group Accountability through VOXER app

  • Opportunities to level up in a Group Setting

Tune into Purpose DRVN Podcast

Tune into Purpose DRVN w/ Alex

Purpose Driven Podcast is an unabashed and intimate look into the struggles, dreams, and desires of individuals. We celebrate and highlight the incredible people who make things happen, tell their stories, and inspire others by telling their own story. We hear from non-profits, life coaches, spiritual leaders, and everyday people who have businesses or ideas that are changing their world.


Don't just take it from me, see what my clients are saying!


"I love my life as an entrepreneur, it pushes me to new heights. The life I am building is bringing my family and I the abundance we never knew we could reach. I highly recommend coaching with Alex to anyone that feels like they are stuck and desire growth in their life, but don't know where to start. Alex will get you where you want to be!"

- Bowman Loo


I started working with Alex hoping to make a quantum jump in my sales. That is exactly what happened. But more importantly, Alex helped me see what I truly was capable of and helped me connect to my purpose. Alex specializes in mindset and helps you focus on the process instead of getting caught up in the numbers. He is genuine and will go out of his way to help you in your darkest moments. He truly cares. I’ll never go another summer without coaching ever again. Complete game and life changer.

- Austin Maser


Coming Soon .......



What is coaching, and how can it benefit me?

Coaching is a collaborative and goal-oriented process that empowers individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their desired outcomes. Through a series of structured sessions, our experienced coaches will work closely with you to identify your goals, address obstacles, and develop actionable strategies for success. Whether you seek personal growth, career advancement, better relationships, or improved well-being, coaching can provide you with valuable tools and insights to overcome challenges and lead a more fulfilling life.

How long does a typical coaching program last, and how often are sessions scheduled?

The duration of a coaching program and the frequency of sessions can vary depending on your specific needs and goals. In general, coaching programs have no time limit. Sessions are conducted weekly or bi-weekly. This schedule allows for consistent progress and support. However, my coaching is flexible and can be tailored to your preferences and requirements. I will work with you to create a personalized coaching plan that aligns with your timeline and objectives.

Is coaching only for individuals, or do you offer services for groups or organizations as well?

While my primary focus is on individual coaching, I also provide group coaching and workshops tailored to the unique needs of teams and organizations. Group coaching can be a valuable resource for enhancing team dynamics, communication, and leadership skills. If you're interested in group or organizational coaching, please contact me to discuss your specific requirements, and I'll be happy to design a program that meets your objectives.

Get In Touch

St. George, UT, USA

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